Friday, February 6, 2009

Lily's 6mo cake

Lily turned 6mo old yesterday!! Yay! I decided I wanted to make her a cake to celebrate. I thought of a lot of cute ideas, then decided to keep it simple. (Good thing too!) I didn't like the chocolate frosting recipe I had (tastes good, but the color is a little odd looking), so I went online and found a good one. I made it and it wasn't frosting-like at all! It was a glaze and kept running off the cake. It was a mess. I had to keep scooping it up and trying to put it back on. THEN, after I cleaned up that fiasco, I wanted to write on top of her cake in frosting. Make sure when you do this, your frosting is not still cold from the refrigerator! It wouldn't stick to the cake. (Hence why the "H" in happy is so screwed up) I finally figured things out, and it actually turned out pretty good, inspite of me.

So now I pose the question: How the heck did you frost and use foundant on an ICE CREAM CAKE for our wedding Devee?? I was impressed before, but now I'm in awe!!


Melanie said...

SOOOOOOOOOO cute! Did Lily get to eat it? :)

Dani said...

I gave her one bite of frosting... she seemed curious about that. Later that night she had a rough night and Michael says it was the frosting... :)