Friday, October 31, 2008

Chicken Alfredo

1 pkg (8 oz) cream cheese
1/2 c. butter/margarine
1/2 c. milk
3/4 c. parmesean cheese (3 oz)
8 oz fettucine noodles, cooked and strained
chicken (as much as desired), cooked

You'll want your chicken and noodles to be precooked because this sauce is best served hot and doesn't take long to make. Mix the first four ingredients together over med. heat. Mix until cheese and butter are melted. It will scald, so watch it carefully. Once it starts to boil, it's done. Add chicken and noodles. Toss together and serve!

This makes a very creamy alfredo sauce (b/c of the cream cheese). I like to cook my chicken breasts on a Foreman grill with a little Italian Seasoning, then slice it into strips. It's really good and pretty easy!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I LOVE this recipe! I have a variation of it that I use. I want to try yours now. Thanks!