Monday, July 13, 2009

Homemade Bread

I've been wanting to learn how to make homemade bread. After many tries, some help from books, I finally can do it! YAY! So much healthier and no high-fructose corn syrup in our whole wheat bread! Did you know it's in bread??? I had no idea.

The best way to do it is in this book, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. If you google that, New York Times did do an article on it that gives you the basic recipe; however, I recommend checking out the book from your friendly, neighborhood library. Basic recipe for a French Boule is excellent, but once you get that down, the possibilities are endless, including some great whole wheat sandwich bread. Plus it has pastrie recipes based off the same concept, so really, endless possibilties. Best part-- no kneading in any of these recipes or the next! They also just came out with a new book, Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. Haven't checked it out but looks promising.

This is also a great recipe for One Hour Wheat Bread. Best if you have access to a standing-mixer of some sort. I have a hand mixer with the bread attachments, but it was super annoying. Could've just been mine for some reason, but it kept sticking and getting inside where the attachments click in. I ended up just kneading it, which worked out fine.

Haven't tried this recipe for Homemade Granola Bars yet, but plan on it. They look yum!! I'll post when I do.

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